Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapture Much? ... You're doing it wrong

They're still here :(

As I'm quite sure you've already heard, unless you're living under one mighty big rock, today was supposed to be the big day.  At 6:00 this evening, the world as we know it would supposedly be thrown into chaos as the Rapture occurred ... according to religious whack job Harold Camp, to be followed in 6 months by the Apocalypse and the End of the World in October.

What gets me is not that some old man has gone completely off his rocker.  That's just a fact of life that happens sometimes.  What grinds my gizzard is that there are so very many willing to blindly follow him on his journey to la la land.  Even when he tells them that he's based this prediction on just a couple or three Bible verses.  Really?  Seriously?  Even if you choose to use the Bible as your authority on this question, it's quite a simple matter to shoot down this guys delusions as complete BS.  Starting with (but not exclusive to) 'No man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels, only God himself'.  Easy, no math or contortions required.  Seriously, don't these people ever read their own Book?

Even worse than the lemmings following this Pied Piper is the media.  OMG can you believe the attention they've showered on this moron?  They've given him the perfect platform to spread this idiocy.  If they devoted the same amount of time to say, the homeless, can you imagine the progress that might be made in eradicating the problem since the masses would no longer be able to turn a blind eye to it?

Personally, I could wish that he was right about this Rapture thing.  That he, and all those that believe his rantings had been be swept up and taken out of this world in the blink of a eye today.  Let God have the crazies, we've been dealing with them long enough.  That would finally shut them up at least.  Might have even opened up the job market a bit so I could find a job.

But of course, it didn't happen.  Let's get real ... if you were all powerful, would you turn heaven into hell by condemning yourself to spend eternity with people that refuse to use the brains you gave them to begin with?


  1. That was great! Loved it. Soooooo glad you're back!

  2. Well said! Can't believe the media hype.

  3. Hey, don't ruin it for me. I'm still counting on the apocalypse, it's only 5:31 in my time zone, so I only have 29 more minutes to wait. And I still believe it's coming. But then again, I sold everything and moved out to the desert for Y2K, then bought some prime real estate in the marshes off Florida, voted for George W. Bush 3 times (I wrote him in against Obama) and still think computers are just a fad. So what do I know?

  4. Blind lemmings are annoying, no matter their cause du jour. Muffin-top pants come to mind.

    There's still 1.25 hrs. to go here, so I'd better get crackin'. Now, where did I put my drink?

  5. Sorry Max, guess I SHOULD have put a spoiler alert up there ;)

    Thanx all, for stopping by and commenting.

  6. That's ok, it didn't really spoil much for me. I pretty much knew it wasn't going to work out for me anyway. None of those other things did either. :)

  7. Hi there, I love your comments. Seriously if the media hype was on something more worthwhile our world might be a better place to live... but nope I have to run away to the country and play in the mud before I go crazy living with all the crazies in the city! Thanks for stopping in, I'm here for the long haul, hope you don't mind, I like your style of thinking! Cheers.

  8. Welcome darlin, jump on in the waters fine and the more the merrier

  9. Hey Sally,thanks for following me! Love your post! and.....I'm just glad the old guy didn't invite everyone for a sip of koolaide!

  10. hi Jilda, I hear THAT alright, he seems just the type. I thought I WAS following you already, but I was wrong so I fixed it ;)

  11. Ok I'm here and your right about that. it wouldn't be called heaven it would be called Flint, Michigan!

  12. Welcome Bushman - I never spent any time in Flint, but growing up in the suburbs of Detroit not far from 'Taylortucky' I can grasp your thought process. Until I moved south of the Mason/Dixon line though, I didn't have a clue how bad it could be.

    That's not to say that southerners are stupid. Like anywhere, most people here are reasonably intelligent. Those that are exceptionally smart though, tend to keep a low profile because the amount of "willful" ignorance that abounds here is astounding.

  13. I looked up to the sky around 6:00 to see if anyone was heading upward. I knew I wouldn't be! My daughter and I were trying to figure out what one would need to "prepare" for the Rapture, as some of these idiots were saying. Her response was to have a parachute handy in case God changed his mind about you half way up! I love my kid!

  14. How do we know for sure that the Rapture didn't actually come after all?

    Those people who failed to go up - so to speak - maybe weren't as good as they made out. Perhaps some of them had dirty front door steps or parked in 'Mum and Baby' parking spaces when they didn't have kids with them? Maybe ?

    Meanwhile, I notice that Vettel is still winning all the F1 races, Athena STILL haven't called me about being in their latest poster, and my Wife has hidden the biscuits - Sounds like Hell on Earth to me.

    Are you sure it hasn't started??

  15. Lolamouse - parachute LOL, she has a great sense of humor. Good thing, she'll need it.

    Glen - Pretty sure, but I've been mistaken a few times before. Usually there's some evidence though, when that's the case.
